I'm sneezing uncontrollably.... HUZZAH, Beltane is here!
Raise your hand if you went to catholic school... I did and in high school I remember the May Crowning was always a pretty big deal. I think this day was given special attention because my high school was girls only and the day was all about Mary. A choir geek, I still remember all the songs we'd belt out during the liturgy. (Sweet Mary we crown thee with blossoms today, queen of the angels, queen of the May...) I knew from a very early age that I wasn't christian like the rest of my family and felt no connection to the symbols all around me at school. However, I loved and looked forward to the May Crowning. What pagan kid growing up surrounded by christian but not christian symbols wouldn't? The large marble chapel was filled with different flowers, spring air wafted through open doors and windows and every statue of Mary on campus was crowned with a wreath of flowers. Those moments were when I felt closest to my inner spiritual home and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy Mary getting some attention and gratitude. Every year around this time I'm swept back to that choir loft, to that marble chapel and the statues dripping in flowers.
Then I grew up, cracked a book, met a few witches and discovered that May crowning-esk celebrations were common place all over the globe and had been for years and years.... and years....
Erect the maypole and hand me some ribbon. Witches it's time for Beltane!!
Beltane celebrates the weaving together of masculine and feminine energies and the most widely known symbol of the day is the maypole. While some anthropologists believe the maypole was just a general part of celebrating the return of summer and the abundance of the land, pagan folks have a different view of the symbol. The maypole is a phallic symbol, representing the God. The wreath at the top and ribbons represent the Goddess. When the maypole dancing begins and the ribbons are wrapped around the pole, the Goddess and God are "joining" (keeping it PG folks), thus creating and giving new life. The Goddess receives the fertility of the God and together they create abundance in the land, among the animals and bring forth new life in general.
Ways to celebrate:
- Shake your tail feather and do a little maypole dancing
- Find a garden and plant stuff
- Go for a walk/hike and pick flowers and collect herbs
- Decorate your home and altar with flowers, hang herbs to dry
- Volunteer. Clean up a park, work in a community garden etc
- Feasting
- Make garlands
- Build a fairy garden
- Get hitched!! LOTS of handfastings happen on or around Beltane
Above all, enjoy the day and practice safe maypole dancing. As above, So below. As within, So without. Beltane Blessings to you all and Blessed Samhain to the Pagan folk in the Southern Hemisphere!!
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