This quick tip is brought to you by GRATITUDE.
I started this practice a couple of years ago when my life was circling the drain. I realized that I had to stop having a staring contest with all the things that were wrong in my life and give my attention to everything that was good, even if finding it was like pulling teeth. I started a daily gratitude practice. It didn't matter how terrible my day had been, I forced myself to find a minimum of two things to be grateful for. A beautiful blue sky during my walk to work, a smile from a stranger, finding a few lost dollars in my pants pocket, a favorite song getting shuffled into my earbuds.... literally anything with the slightest hint of happiness, positivity or glitter ended up on my list.
After a while it became a habit, my daily gratitude lists got longer and I was feeling more and more positive. Then I decided to add another component to my gratitude practice. Life moves pretty fast and we don't always have the time or energy at the end of each day to write long lists
about stuff we're grateful for when all we want is a glass of wine and sleep. So I started using a gratitude jar. There's nothing fancy about it. I keep a clear glass jar, a pen and index cards in a spot where I can always look over and see it. Once a week, I sit down with my jar, breathe deeply into gratitude and I write down everything I'm grateful for and put it in the jar. Keeping the jar in a spot where you can see it means you can watch the positive things in your life expand and grow. In basic, sympathetic magick terms, as the good stuff in the jar expands so does the good stuff in your life. By taking time to reflect on the good stuff and express gratitude for it, we're inviting more awesome stuff to show up for us.
Start simple with stuff like:
- I'm grateful for....
- I accomplished.....
- My brother really came through for me when _______.....
- I didn't know what to do but then......
- My boss woke up on the right side of the bed for once.
You get the idea. You can make this as simple or involved as you like. I keep a clear quartz crystal in my jar to accentuate all that positive. At the start of a new year I dump all the cards out of the jar and I read each one. Then I bury the cards, cleanse and charge the quartz crystal and start over again for the new year ahead. I really believe incorporating something like this into your life is helpful and incredibly magickal. Before I began my gratitude practice I was broke, working part time at an awful job barely making enough to feed myself, preparing to have to leave my apartment and everything that could go wrong had gone wrong twice. After I started this, things began to turn around. I finally started getting calls for the jobs I was applying for and in a 3 week span I had 4 job offers. Everything began to turn around for me and it all started with a little gratitude.
With Imbolc almost here, this is the perfect time to breathe deeply and reflect. If you already have a gratitude practice or you're just starting one I'd love to hear about it. Blessed Be
Hoping this was helpful,
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