Quick Tip ~ Count Your Blessings

Saturday, January 30, 2016
     This quick tip is brought to you by GRATITUDE.

     I started this practice a couple of years ago when my life was circling the drain. I realized that I had to stop having a staring contest with all the things that were wrong in my life and give my attention to everything that was good, even if finding it was like pulling teeth. I started a daily gratitude practice.  It didn't matter how terrible my day had been, I forced myself to find a minimum of two things to be grateful for. A beautiful blue sky during my walk to work, a smile from a stranger, finding a few lost dollars in my pants pocket, a favorite song getting shuffled into my earbuds.... literally anything with the slightest hint of happiness, positivity or glitter ended up on my list. 
     After a while it became a habit, my daily gratitude lists got longer and I was feeling more and more positive. Then I decided to add another component to my gratitude practice.  Life moves pretty fast and we don't always have the time or energy at the end of each day to write long lists 
about stuff we're grateful for when all we want is a glass of wine and sleep.  So I started using a gratitude jar. There's nothing fancy about it. I keep a clear glass jar, a pen and index cards in a spot where I can always look over and see it. Once a week, I sit down with my jar, breathe deeply into gratitude and I write down everything I'm grateful for and put it in the jar. Keeping the jar in a spot where you can see it means you can watch the positive things in your life expand and grow. In basic, sympathetic magick terms, as the good stuff in the jar expands so does the good stuff in your life. By taking time to reflect on the good stuff and express gratitude for it, we're inviting more awesome stuff to show up for us.  

Start simple with stuff like:
  • I'm grateful for....
  • I accomplished.....
  • My brother really came through for me when _______.....
  • I didn't know what to do but then......
  • My boss woke up on the right side of the bed for once.

     You get the idea. You can make this as simple or involved as you like. I keep a clear quartz crystal in my jar to accentuate all that positive. At the start of a new year I dump all the cards out of the jar and I read each one. Then I bury the cards, cleanse and charge the quartz crystal and start over again for the new year ahead. I really believe incorporating something like this into your life is helpful and incredibly magickal. Before I began my gratitude practice I was broke, working part time at an awful job barely making enough to feed myself, preparing to have to leave my apartment and everything that could go wrong had gone wrong twice. After I started this, things began to turn around. I finally started getting calls for the jobs I was applying for and in a 3 week span I had 4 job offers. Everything began to turn around for me and it all started with a little gratitude. 

With Imbolc almost here, this is the perfect time to breathe deeply and reflect. If you already have a gratitude practice or you're just starting one I'd love to hear about it. Blessed Be

Hoping this was helpful, 

Witchy Library Display

"Forget Hogwarts... the John Rylands Library is now officially Manchester’s most magical building.
Visitors to the Neo-Gothic masterpiece building on Deansgate can learn all about witches, sorcerers and demons as part of a fascinating new exhibition on supernatural history - and even includes spells for raising the dead!
Magic, Witches and Devils is a new exhibition at the John Rylands Library and explores how the fear of supernatural shaped the middle ages.
Those brave enough to visit the landmark library can browse through displays of rare spell books, prints and bracelets to ward of evil spirits, as well as manuscripts describing the supernatural rituals and traditions from around the world."
And visit me on Witch Way Now Facebook for more articles!!

Good Vibes In Yo Face!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hey... You There In The Pointy Hat... Don't Forget Imbolc!

Thursday, January 14, 2016
  I have a confession to make. Since becoming a Witch I've done something almost every year that some may find cringe worthy while others would say it's no big deal.  It's unintentional and I get more than annoyed with myself when I do it. Sometimes.... after Winter Solstice.... as the end of winter approaches... I FORGET ABOUT IMBOLC!!!! I know, I know, it's horrible and I'm horrible and my broom flying privileges should be stripped immediately!  I'm a pretty forgetful person in general and this leads to hyper organization, writing long lists, taking ridiculously neat notes and having multiple copies of important documents (the whereabouts of these documents are currently unknown...) because I don't want to forget or lose anything.  

You forgot too? It's OK Bro, you've got a lot going on...

     But I always seem to remember when the other sabbats are and what our current position is on the wheel. I know when Beltane and Samhain are approaching because those are my favorite sabbats and also my favorite times of year.  The Solstices are easy enough to remember, especially Winter Solstice since we are surrounded by Christmas/Yule decorations at every turn.  I know when the equinoxes are around the corner because I can feel a greater sense of inner balance and balance in the world around me.  Farmer's markets begin to overflow with brightly colored vegetables like corn and tomatoes and guess what that means?  I'm right in the middle of the harvest festivals. So what's up with Imbolc? Why do we (I say we because I've asked around and apparently I'm not the only witch with this problem) have such trouble remembering that this spoke on the wheel of the year is coming??
     At this time of year, most of us usually have our focus elsewhere.  Getting back into the normal swing of life now that the holidays are over while trying desperately to hang onto the resolutions some make for the new year.  The kids are back in school, people begin to look each other in the eye again now that memories of the office holiday party are
beginning to fade, and we brace ourselves for Mother Nature to do her worst as the harshest winter days are upon us.  There are winter storm warnings, shoveling snow, digging out the car, and extreme temperatures depending on where you reside. As I write this, it is 23 degrees in Connecticut and at night the low temperature has been in the teens. Oh, and don't forget the sniffles.  This is the time of year when bad colds are at their worst and the flu begins to bombard us, leaving many people feeling miserable.  Add seasonal affective disorder (also known as SAD or winter blues) with a dash of cabin fever and this is a recipe for, at the very least, distraction and annoyance.  Great reasons/excuses to forget about Imbolc entirely but also great reasons to remember it.
     At this time of year, it's hard to imagine that spring is just a few weeks away.  Imbolc marks the midpoint between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  Imbolc celebrates the first stirrings of Mother Nature's womb.  The literal translation of Imbolc is "in the womb" or "in the belly" (Oimelc is an alternate name for Imbolc and its translation is "ewe's milk") and this sabbat is also associated with purification and fire.  Animals are born, hibernating animals stir and wake up, buds on trees may be visible and flowers, like the crocus, begin to fight their way to the surface.  This is a time to celebrate new life and new beginnings, even if new life has yet to reveal itself.  
Come at me bro!! Crocus ain't scared!
It's also a time to look within and turn your attention to yourself, your home and family.  Resist the temptation to be annoyed at the bitter cold outside and use this time for personal work, introspection and the making of plans for the future (magickal and mundane).  Connecting with nature during the harshest of the winter months can be uncomfortable and dangerous.  Let the cold and snow outside create a natural barrier between yourself and the world outside. This is a time to spend near the hearth, connecting with yourself internally.  During this time of year you can:

  • practice and strengthen your divination skills (tarot, runes, scrying, pendulum etc)
  • perform spells for manifestation and new beginnings 
  • do some journaling 
  • do some dream work and try astral travel
  • explore your shadow self 
  • don't forget the mundane stuff: clean the closets, clear clutter, rearrange furniture etc
  • get a calender and plot out goals you'd like to accomplish in the coming months
  • spend time with family and friends: play board/card games, bake, tell stories by the fire

There is a simple and quick spell you can do at this time of year.  This spell is for manifestation and new beginnings.  I call it the Potted Plant Spell. The idea for this spell came to me when I was living in an apartment in NYC.  Sometimes spells call for things to be buried.  This is all well and good but when you live in a concrete jungle, finding a spot to bury things isn't always easy.  And, if you do find a place to bury something, you may have to deal with onlookers, dogs digging up your spell or the NYPD may look at you suspiciously and hold you for questioning (What's with the shovel? Why are you digging a hole in Central Park? What's with the 'herbs' in the plastic baggy....? etc).  So instead of looking for a place outside to bury things why not look inside and bury your spell in a potted plant? For this spell you'll need a potted plant or a pot, some dirt, a plant or seeds, paper and a pen/pencil.   Light some candles, set a magickal mood and spend some time thinking about what you'd like to manifest for yourself.  Maybe find the calender with the goals you wrote out for yourself (discussed above) to use as inspiration. When your ready, start writing down your goals, wishes and desires on the paper. You can use a separate, small piece of paper for each wish or write them all on one piece of paper.  When your finished it's time to bury them in the plant. If using a plant that is already potted, use your finger or a spoon to dig a hole in the dirt (get down to at least the halfway point in the dirt).  Place the paper with your goals and wishes inside the hole and cover it with dirt.  As the plant grows envision your goals/wishes growing and manifesting.  
     If your using a new plant or seeds begin in the same way by writing down your wishes and goals.  When you're ready place some dirt in the pot then put the paper with your wishes and goals on top of the dirt. Then, add more dirt along with the plant or seeds.  Place the plant on your altar (if there's enough room and sunlight) and tend to it over the coming months.  As it grows envision your goals manifesting.  When the weather gets warmer you can replant it in your garden. Or, if your a city dweller like I was, you can leave it in its pot and allow it to grow and beautify your home. Whenever you look at the plant let it be a reminder of the goals you're working toward. You can also use this plant in the future when burying an item as part of a spell. 

(Side Note: There is no required plant to use for this spell as far as I'm concerned. A plant that appeals to me and will thrive in my neck of the woods may not do the same for you. Find a plant that works for you, your purposes, fits in your space and will survive in your part of the world (especially if you intend to place it outside). I use a spider plant because this plant has a special place in my heart, it's easy to care for/hard to kill and sharing with friends and family is easy (the smaller spider plant babies that grow on the vines can be gently removed from the parent plant and easily rooted in a separate pot). Find a plant that works for you and don't forget some plants/flowers are poisonous to people and fur babies so keep that in mind also.)

          Guess what else happens on February 2nd?? It's Groundhog Day!!!

     What the blazes does groundhog day have to do with Imbolc you ask?  In the old days in Europe, Imbolc was used for weather divination to see if winter would end early or if it would hold on until March and April. Sound familiar?? In Europe this question was asked of the hedgehog.  If he came out of his burrow and saw his shadow then everyone knew they were in trouble.  The shadow was said to frighten the hedgehog causing him to retreat back to his burrow for another 6 weeks.  If there was no sun in the sky and Mr. Hedgehog did not see his shadow then spring would arrive early.  In the United States we don't have hedgehogs so the groundhog was substituted for this practice. There are a number of ways people perform weather divination but the groundhog method is the most popular although most people aren't aware of its origin or purpose!
     Hello, my name is Amethyst and sometimes I forget Imbolc.  Now that I've come clean I feel much better and I know I'm on the rode to recovery because I remembered Imbolc this year without having to be reminded.  I'm sure I'm not alone and I am contemplating starting a support group. Writing this post reminded me how important this sabbat is and I'm going to make a conscious effort to remember it every year and not allow this to remain the forgotten (or last minute) sabbat.  This time of year is important for Mother Nature and for individual personal growth.  Taking time to focus inward, exploring the darker parts of yourself, studying and setting goals for the future are so important.  As witches and pagans we send a great deal of energy out into the world both for ourselves and others.  Replenishing our stores of energy and focusing on our personal growth are vital to our magickal and mundane growth (and it probably makes holding onto your sanity much easier).  May all your wishes, goals and dreams manifest positively in this world, harming none.  

Blessed Imbolc to you all, 

Sources (books I highly recommend):
Seasons of Witchery: Celebrating The Sabbats With The Garden Witch  by: Ellen Dugan
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft  by: Judika Illes  

Challenge Accepted


Thank You Mr. Rickman. 

Supernatural Fans Will Get This....

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Also, this is totally happening when/if I change the carpets in my place!

Procter's Ledge, Confirmed Site of Salem Witch Trial Executions

     "The wooded spot overlooking Walgreens on Boston Street is unremarkable. The rocky ledge of knotted trees is surrounded by houses, and the path to the top is unpaved.
     But the days of anonymity for the site known as Proctor’s Ledge are over. Researchers announced this week they have confirmed the plot is where 19 people accused of witchcraft were hanged in a wave of hysteria that swept this seaside city in 1692.
     Salem plans to mark the ignominious spot, Mayor Kimberley Driscoll said. The memorial is expected to be modest, the mayor said, given the lack of easy access or parking at the site.
     Still, Driscoll said: “This is part of our history, and this is an opportunity for us to be honest about what took place.”"
To read the rest of the article click here: Boston Globe

Crystal Conversation ~ Yellow Tiger's Eye

     Happy New Year and Blessings to you all as we begin a new year!!  I'm doing my best to recover from the holidays. Let's start the new year off with Yellow (gold, brown) Tiger's Eye.  Tiger's eye is a powerful stone and is often worn for protection.  It's also not bad to look at and is used in jewelry (I have a Tiger's Eye ring that I wear almost everyday) because of it's unusual and captivating beauty. Tiger's Eye is found in a few different colors but yellow/brown is most common. 

     Believe it or not Tiger's Eye is silicon dioxide or quartz.  Quartz becomes Tiger's Eye when the fibers of crocidolite (a mineral) are laid down in parallel bands within the quartz. A shimmer effect is created when the stone is turned to the light and this gives the stone its cat like appearance.  The stone is hard but can be carved and polished.  Yellow Tiger's Eye is the most common but this stone can also be found in blue, blue-green and red.  
     Tiger's Eye has been a poplar stone for thousands of years.  Tombs dating back to 2500 BCE were discovered in what was once the city of Ur in Mesopotamia (now Iraq).  Among the treasures discovered inside the tombs were gold set with various stones including Tiger's Eye.  During the reign of Alexander the Great, Tiger's Eye was one of the more popular stones among goldsmiths.  It was set in gold jewelry including rings, bracelets and necklaces.   

Interesting tidbit:  Roman soldiers wore Tiger's Eye during battle for protection. The stone was also thought to provide instant clarity and deep insights into the current situation.  This instant clarity and insight allowed the soldiers to clearly see the truth and remain free from deception while on the battlefield. 

     For healing purposes, Tiger's Eye brings calm and restoring energy to the mind and body.  Prevent depletion of physical energy and support your metabolism by wearing a Tiger's Eye. Wear it to shield your aura from negativity and to clear mental blocks and tension from the solar plexus chakra. (Think Gilly from Practical Magic.  She saw blood on the moon and instantly went for her Tiger's Eye for protection.)  Tiger's Eye encourages focus on current issue/the task at hand.  Stressed out and have a deadline to meet?  Spend a few minutes meditating on the project while holding a Tiger's Eye. Or keep the stone in your pocket while you work on the project.  Studying for a final? Keep a Tiger's Eye close by to help maintain your focus and concentration.  Since it also helps shield from negativity, Tiger's Eye is helpful when negative thoughts begin to creep in (i.e.  I'll never get this done in time. I can't possibly pass this test. etc).
     Tiger's Eye has a gentle vibration that promotes peace and calm, even in times of change and upheaval. It is especially suited for meditation because it increases courage, determination, alertness, patience, brings positive energy and relives depression. When used during meditation Tiger's Eye can help you reach insights that are both spiritual and mundane in nature.  

A great and different way to experience the properties of crystals is with water, specifically using energized water or a crystal remedy.  For this stone let's make some energized water.  

  • Place a cleansed stone into a clear glass bottle that is filled with clean, drinkable water.  (You can use a tall drinking glass and cover it with a coaster. If you want to make more than just one glass you can use a glass jug.)
  • After combining the crystal and the water leave them in direct sunlight for at least one hour.
  • Once the hour has passed REMOVE THE CRYSTAL and drink the water.  This will internalize the properties of the crystal. 

     Tiger's Eye will help you focus on the task at hand and provide clarity regarding the current situation. This stone also helps maintain peace and calm even during upheavals.  So if things seem to be falling apart reach for a Tiger's Eye.  Use it to increase determination, draw positive energy to you and get a little insight into what the heck is going on.  Acquiring a few pieces of Tiger's Eye is a win-win situation because it's pretty to look at and incredibly helpful. So, when all else fails get yourself a Tiger's Eye necklace (just don't leave it behind like Gilly, yikes!).

Bright Blessings, 

Source: Crystals by: Jennie Harding

When Empaths....

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I feel like this should read 'When empaths go anywhere.'

Blessed New Moon in Capricorn

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Blessed New Moon in Capricorn!! Capricorn, an Earth sign, focuses on success, getting things done with hard work and the mundane side of life. Don't forget, Mercury is still retrograde (standard rules and regulations still apply) so make some adjustments to your new moon ritual.  Still set new goals and intentions but think outside the box and come at it from a different angle. Revisit old goals and ideas, especially where your career is concerned. How have things improved? Can you take the goal further? Things didn't work out, how can you adjust your plan? Slow, steady and be patient like the Capricorn Mountain Goat making his way up a hill that can, on a occasion, be a bit slippery. 

~Blessed Be