I'm Surrounded By Experts

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Magickal Meetings: Debra Silverman

     Last week I had the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite astrologers, Debra Silverman. If you follow my Facebook page then you've seen her astrology videos there since I share them regularly. She recently released her first book, The Missing Element and as a birthday treat for myself I went down to NYC for her book signing. Not familiar with her work? Neither was I until a few years ago when she released some videos on YouTube that she'd been hiding away for a while and they went viral. These weren't just run of the mill, ho-hum astrology videos. She performs the traits of each member of the zodiac with hilarious accuracy (to find the videos go to YouTube and search for her name along with your zodiac sign).  

I'm a Taurus and she kicked me right in 
the ass with this. In a funny, holy hell that's so true, kinda way.

     There have been a few astrologers over the years that I've followed (don't worry, I'm not literally following anyone.... unless your name is Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson). Reading the monthly forecast, watching the videos, reading their books etc. But it wasn't until I came across Debra Silverman that I discovered an astrologer that talks how I talk (including dropping the f-bomb on occasion), explains things in a way that I get, is friendly, relatable and delivers brutal honesty with a smile.  All this coupled with a trip back to my favorite NYC bookstore (Namaste Books, good luck leaving this place without a new tarot deck, 5 books and a sack of crystals) and some time with a best friend meant I was going.
     The trip wasn't easy. First of all, the event was scheduled smack in the middle of Mercury retrograde (which Debra acknowledged with a joke "Who scheduled this? What astrologer does that?) I had to get up early which is incredibly difficult for me since I work nights. Then I drove an hour to the train station, parked a mile away, took a two and a half hour train ride to the city only to be smacked in the face with all things New York when I got there. I lived in NYC for almost 10 years and I moved out of state to the burbs in 2014.  This was my first time back and it was overwhelming. The crowded streets and subway, people everywhere rushing around, my overpriced lunch at Whole Foods....  I had to find a bench and spend some time grounding.  By the time I got to the bookstore I was spent. Then, Debra walked in, greeted the group of people in a room filled to capacity (folks were sitting on the floor) and she began to speak and I knew that battling to get there was worth it because I needed to hear what she had to say.  
     Truthfully, I didn't know much about her book and surprisingly it's not about astrology at all. 

"Using personality types that are based on the four elements, she reveals that whatever pain you experience is specific to your personality and that your issues will repeat themselves again and again until you see yourself and others from the compassionate vantage point that unites all of us."  - from the back cover of The Missing Element

At the beginning she had each of us fill out a questionnaire (it can be found on page 46 of her book). Using our answers she explained the elements and helped us discover what elements had a strong presence in our lives, what elements were lacking and broke down the traits, both good and bad, of each element. She described how our souls want to experience everything and our stupid egos get in the way. No one is normal, everyone is delightfully weird and falling in love with yourself is incredibly important. 

"What did your soul sign up for?"
"Can you fall in love with you?"
"Normal is a setting on the dryer!"
"There's no one here that's not weird!"
"Your soul is a slut!! It wants to experience everything, the good and the not so good."  - Debra Silverman

     She spoke for over an hour and the quotes above don't do it justice. I left there thinking about how I can better understand the effect the elements have in my life. I left there knowing that I'm not even close to being in love with myself but wanting to discover that love and my purpose. I left there with the realization that my Earth element is a bit to strong and I need to find ways to reel it in and explore the other elements. The day in its entirety taught me the important lesson that nothing worth it is easy and even the smallest goal (like getting to a book signing during NYC rush hour) takes patience, perseverance and a SCREW YOU, I'M DOING THIS attitude. I left there with a new book signed by my favorite astrologer and some new crystals (I couldn't help it). She also confirmed that yes, I am a little extra crazy because so many planets were retrograde when I was born.  

Me: (fangirling hard) So am I extra crazy because so many planets were retrograde when I was born? There's 5 or 6 that were retrograde.

Debra: Yes, absolutely.  (Remember that honesty I mentioned earlier?)

     I've just started reading her book and I haven't been able to put it down.  Things have really exploded for her since she had the courage to hit the upload button on those zodiac videos. Her laid back approach to astrology makes a wildly complicated subject feel less daunting. And don't let her laid back, feisty, bigger than the room energy fool you, she knows what she's talking about.  I can't wait to dig through the rest of The Missing Element and I'm sure this is the first of many books for this down to earth astrologer. 
Debra Silverman and I

If you're looking for Debra you can find her on Facebook or visit her website.

Brightest Blessings, 

UPDATE: I just came across this video and had to add it. Wanna know what Sting thinks of Debra's new book The Missing Element?? Watch the video below. (I LOVE him)