Book Review: Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans

Thursday, June 16, 2016
     I'm kind of a nut when it comes to books.  I have a lot. When I say a lot I mean multiple overflowing bookcases and I'm pretty sure I helped Borders bookstore stay in business a few extra years. From candle magick and divination to historical texts, the books in my house encompass a wide range of topics. One of those topics is astrology.  I have quite a few books about astrology but it's a subject I gave up on years ago. Don't get me wrong, I love astrology. I listen to and read monthly forecasts put out by my favorite astrologers. I see an astrologer whenever possible, having my chart scrutinized, listening to every word with curiosity and focus. I know the basics like Mercury retrograde shows up 3 (sometimes 4) times a year, kicks you in the shins then skips away laughing. I've always assumed I was a lost cause when it came to understanding astrology and using it in my practice/life. In school I was a menace in chemistry class, lost in physics and knew math was created by the devil himself. Why should astrology be any different? So I put it away and gave up, sure I would never be able to pack all the information into my head and understand it. I put it away until a few months ago.
     That's when I started reading a new astrology book and my view of astrology and my abilities to master it completely changed.  Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans, the latest from Ivo Dominguez Jr., is here to come to the rescue of every person that's ever felt like understanding astrology was just out of reach.  Ivo isn't just some random guy writing about astrology. He's been active in the Pagan community since 1978 and began teaching in 1982. He continues to share his knowledge by teaching classes on a wide range of topics at festivals, events and shops throughout the country. (Follow the link below to see his event schedule.)

"It is true that Astrology is a huge field of study and it could take several lifetimes to achieve mastery. The same can be said of Mathematics, but many people are able to learn enough math so they can function in their day-to-day life and manage their finances. My intention with this book is to teach the core concepts of Astrology so that Witches and Pagans would then be able to truly apply Astrology to their practices."

After a brief history, Ivo proceeds to break down and explain astrology in a way that makes it more manageable, tangible and user friendly. This book eliminates the complicated jargon found in most astrology books on the market today. He likens aspects to verbs, explains the construction of planetary glyphs giving each deeper meaning and compares using a single glyph to a simple used in herbalism (all things this writer/kitchen witch greatly appreciated). Reading Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans made me realize there was another way to approach astrology. I don't have to master astrology and I probably never will but I can still incorporate it into my life and benefit from its use.  Instead of looking at astrology as a complicated whole, Ivo offers the information in small manageable bites, using the simplest ingredients creating an easy to follow recipe.  
     I loved this book, I enjoyed reading it and I've been able to begin working with astrology which is something I never thought would be possible. However, there are few points in the book that are hard to follow. The Astrology of Time chapter was complicated and wordy. The information is valuable but I had to read it a couple of times to get a grasp on the information. Also, there are a glaring number of grammar issues throughout the book that sent me searching for a red pen to make corrections. Despite those issues this book is worth reading and I would recommend it to anyone on the road to understanding astrology, especially as it applies to their personal practice. If you're just beginning the journey, lost on the road or just want to learn some basics to aide your magickal practice, this book should be on your shelf.  It won't make you an astrology master but it will help you take the first step in understanding it just enough to apply it to the magickal and mundane sides of life.  


Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans
Author: Ivo Dominguez Jr. (
Publisher: Red Wheel - Weiser (
Released: Januaray 2016 



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