I'm Tired. We're Tired.

Thursday, June 16, 2016
I wrote/shared this on my personal Facebook page and decided to share it here as well. ~BB~

I’m tired. I’ve been ruminating on the events of the last few days and that’s all I can come up with. I’m just tired. Our world is steadily descending into oblivion like a car careening off the road while everyone pretends the brake pedal doesn’t exist and I’m tired of it. Tragedies happen daily, hourly, all over the world. Bombings, drone strikes, wars that never end, rapists walking away from their crimes with gentle slaps on the wrist, people dying in the street because their skin is too dark or a person who should be minding their own business deems their lifestyle inappropriate. I’m tired. I’m tired of listening to politicians lie and bicker like children. I’m tired of the anger and denial that obscures the seldom used middle ground. I’m anxious for us all to come together, not just with our neighbors down the road but our neighbors throughout the world. I’m tired of so many people still not realizing that we are all connected, every living creature and we absolutely need each other. I’m tired of the media’s flat out refusal to tell people the truth and the revisionist history that has been told for so long most believe it to be true and will stand their ground defending it no matter what. I’m tired of the memes, flag filters for profile pictures and social media posts that pop up after our regularly scheduled tragedy: “Our thoughts and prayers are with (insert person or person affected here)." They accomplish nothing. I’m tired of how numb most of us have become. Tragedies and massacres happen and for a frighteningly brief moment we come together. Candlelight vigils, gathering together to shake our fists in the air, shedding tears, co-workers exchanging exasperated ‘WTFs’ only to turn back to computers and bury their heads in work. Then it all ends, the survivors and people left behind trudge forward with their pain and emptiness while the rest of us turn back to the status quo. School, the kids, work, funny kitten videos on Facebook, Netflix marathons, taking a pic at just the right angle because your life on Instagram is at stake. Anything to not feel it and anything to put it as far away as possible, until it happens again. A tragedy, a massacre, a woman raped behind a dumpster only to be kicked in the teeth by our legal system, mass kidnappings of school children, an entire city drinking poison water, people using bare hands to dig thru rubble because their city was bombed… again. We’ll feverishly share articles on Facebook, gasping at how awful our world is. We’ll offer up opinions, argue with people we’ve never met in person and revel in our indignation. But then it falls away and the hollow status quo our lives have become begins again. I’m tired of it and if you tell me you aren’t I know you’re lying to me and yourself. I’m tired, not because I lay awake fearful of the abyss we’re falling into but because I lay awake searching for a solution I can’t see, a solution that probably won't be found in my lifetime. When the spark that initiated the big bang happened, when God said let there be light, or if the ingredients needed to make this creature called human was dropped off by an asteroid –whatever it is you believe- I’m sure that the state in which we currently find ourselves and the world is not what was intended. I’m tired. We’re tired. So WTF do we do? #ImTired #OnePulse


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