Magickal Aha

Friday, April 7, 2017

     I was 14 years old when The Craft was released. I've seen it so many times I could close my eyes and watch it on the back of my eyelids without missing a scene. By the time the movie was out in theaters I was already hiding witchy/pagan/magickal books under my bed, far away from judgmental eyes. I learned a lot from that movie: don't mess with someone's free will, if a night on the beach with friends causes marine life to wash ashore it's time for new friends and make sure your mom is asleep before you start trying to levitate your friends.  The most important thing I learned was that:         

"The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch."

     I was so struck by Lirio's (dope name) words and I've carried them with me since the first time I heard her say them.  Truth be told, a lot of those books hiding out under my teenage bed weren't very good.  At that stage in my studies of witchcraft I didn't know any better and I was just grabbing any book with the word witch on it.  So many of them drew a deep line right down the center of magick. There was white magick and black magick (I disliked those terms right from the start), pick one and use it. You could either be Glinda or Bellatrix.  Lirio's words were an AHA moment (for lack of a better phrase...  no seriously, I'm sorry) for that 14 year old novice. Magick was everywhere and it was neutral.  It would go wherever I directed it with whatever intention I attached.  The realization was freeing and also a warning. I was in control but I had to be careful with my words, actions and intentions.  

"Careful girls, you don't want to end up like Nancy."

     It was an unexpected moment at a movie theater in some mall in New Jersey.  In the years since, I've come to expect and have even grown accustomed to odd synchronicities and regular whacks in the head from the universe.  Did you have one of these moments early on in your magickal life?  What was the lesson? How did it present itself?  Tell me in comments!  <3 


Squad Goals...  minus the crazy


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