Herb Talk ~ Lavender

Saturday, April 22, 2017
     We're more than halfway thru the month of April and I'm itching to get outside and play in the dirt.  I'm anxiously waiting for the nights to warm up so the jungle in my house can be relocated to the patio for the spring and summer months.  I've also decided that Lavender is going to be one the new additions to that jungle so I thought I'd discuss it in this addition of Herb Talk. Lavender (Lavendula officinale) is a member of the mint family and there are 39 known species of Lavender.  Spike, Nard, Elf Leaf and Nardis are some of the folk names for Lavender.  Its ruling planets are Mercury and Jupiter.  Lavender is a masculine herb and it is associated with the element of Air. 

This is a Lavender sachet that I keep in my pillow. 
It's Lavender with a few red rose petals added in. I've had trouble sleeping for my entire life and putting this simple sachet in my pillow has really helped.

Lavender is high on my list of must have herbs and is always present in the exploding herb cabinet. It has a strong and unmistakable scent and its purple coloring makes it appealing to the eye.  One of Lavenders' main magickal uses is in spell work regarding love. To attract love using Lavender: 

  • Write love notes on paper that has been rubbed with Lavender oil.
  • Spray clothing with Lavender scent.
  • Put Lavender sachets in drawers with clothes to make them smell good and attract love.
  • Mix Lavender, rose and mint to create a powerful love/attraction formula.

Lavender is also a relaxing, purifying and cleansing herb.  It will calm your nerves, help you sleep and can be used for healing purposes.  Scatter around the house to create peacefulness and plant outside your home for peace and protection.  Burn Lavender to find your way to dream land (I sleep with Lavender sachets in my pillows and it helps this insomniac get to sleep.)  Mixing Lavender with chamomile and making a tea will also help alleviate insomnia.  Smell some Lavender the next time your feeling a little blue or anxious  and your mood will instantly elevate.  Lavender is also a natural antiseptic/astringent.  When you have a minor skin ailment (bug bit, sunburn, small cut etc) use Lavender oil to take the sting out and help get rid of the germs.  Lavender is also considered lucky so add it to a mixture to add some extra umphhh.

Interesting Tidbit:  The scent of Lavender attracts men.  Lavender water and/or the essential oil was worn by prostitutes centuries ago to attract customers and to advertise their profession.

Will Lavender kill me??
Lavender flower is not toxic and won't kill you.  Lavender is used frequently in teas especially teas intended to relax and help someone sleep.  It is also used for cooking and baking in some parts of the world.  Lavender flowers can be candied and used as decorations on baked goods.  There is also Lavender sugar (and it's yummy).  To make Lavender sugar you'll need:

  • 4 tablespoons dried lavender flowers
  • 3 cups sugar

Place Lavender and sugar in a food processor. Pulse to mix evenly, and until you see flecks of lavender evenly distributed throughout the sugar.  (Thank You Whole Foods!)
Although the Lavender plant is o.k. to ingest the oil is poisonous and should not be ingested! A few drops in the bath is one thing but don't put it in your tea.***

So Lavender is amazing herb.  The smell of it is it relaxing and its also visually appealing.  Use it for purification and cleansing purposes and put some in your pillow to help you sleep.  No neosporin?? Lavender oil can be used in a pinch when you have bug bite or sunburn.  Keep it in and around your home to promote peacefulness and provide protection. Use it in your love drawing mixtures and if your a lady of the evening dab some behind your ears.

Bright Blessings,


***I am not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. Do your research before you consume any herbs via potions etc.

Sources: Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by: Scott Cunningham
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients by: Lexa Rosean

Mother Moon

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Greeted by Mother Moon as I walked into work this morning.  #fullmoon #pinkmoon #moon #sunrise #moonset 

Magickal Aha

Friday, April 7, 2017

     I was 14 years old when The Craft was released. I've seen it so many times I could close my eyes and watch it on the back of my eyelids without missing a scene. By the time the movie was out in theaters I was already hiding witchy/pagan/magickal books under my bed, far away from judgmental eyes. I learned a lot from that movie: don't mess with someone's free will, if a night on the beach with friends causes marine life to wash ashore it's time for new friends and make sure your mom is asleep before you start trying to levitate your friends.  The most important thing I learned was that:         

"The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch."

     I was so struck by Lirio's (dope name) words and I've carried them with me since the first time I heard her say them.  Truth be told, a lot of those books hiding out under my teenage bed weren't very good.  At that stage in my studies of witchcraft I didn't know any better and I was just grabbing any book with the word witch on it.  So many of them drew a deep line right down the center of magick. There was white magick and black magick (I disliked those terms right from the start), pick one and use it. You could either be Glinda or Bellatrix.  Lirio's words were an AHA moment (for lack of a better phrase...  no seriously, I'm sorry) for that 14 year old novice. Magick was everywhere and it was neutral.  It would go wherever I directed it with whatever intention I attached.  The realization was freeing and also a warning. I was in control but I had to be careful with my words, actions and intentions.  

"Careful girls, you don't want to end up like Nancy."

     It was an unexpected moment at a movie theater in some mall in New Jersey.  In the years since, I've come to expect and have even grown accustomed to odd synchronicities and regular whacks in the head from the universe.  Did you have one of these moments early on in your magickal life?  What was the lesson? How did it present itself?  Tell me in comments!  <3 


Squad Goals...  minus the crazy

Book Review: Numerology, Plain and Simple

     Numbers and I have never been friends. Math class was my worst fear growing up and it took tutors, extra credit and regular begging to the math gods to get me through it with a passing grade.  I've always been better with words.  History, literature, philosophy etc were always my preference and once I passed my last math class (a requirement to graduate college) I was sure that numbers and I were done for good.  Goods Gods, was I wrong.  It turns out you not only need math as an adult but sometimes studying numbers can be fun.  **Enter Numerology**   If you google the meaning of numerology this is the definition you'll find: 

     That's a pretty short description for an incredibly broad topic that dates back to 5th century BC or thereabouts.  Numerology, Plain and Simple is the latest in the Plain and Simple series and provides a good starting point for those unafraid of the numbers and interested in studying numerology.  The author, Anne Christie, has written a number of books (see what I did there.... haha... **clears throat**  sorry) on varying topics including numerology, astrology and Egyptian magick.  Numerology, Plain an Simple begins with a brief history of numerology, offering information about Pythagoras, Kabbalah and early correlations between letters and numbers.  After that, make sure you have pencil and paper handy because the rest of the book is spent exploring different methods and equations of numerology. You'll discover everything from your Name Number, Heart Number and Karmic Number.  

By the end of this book I discovered that:   

  • My name number is 5 and the description of 5 people is fairly accurate.
  • My personality number is a 9 and the description was again, fairly accurate. 
  • It's possible to calculate the  compatibility of a relationship (romantic, business etc) using numerology
  • Numerology can be used for predictions, for both long-term and short-term forecasts.
  • Use numerology on your home or business address and see how those numbers affect your life.    

     If you're looking for extensive, in depth history and explanations you won't find it in this book. With its modest 150 pages, Numerology, Plain and Simple is just that... short, sweet and to the point. This is not "the only book you'll ever need" if you decide to take your Numerology education further but it's a great starting point.  Well written and organized, Anne Christie's book is the perfect starter book for anyone interested in the realm of numerology.  Numerology, Plain and Simple is published by Red Wheel/Weiser Books and can be purchased here.

Brightest Blessings,